Outage update

Outage update

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4:00 PM – We are down to approximately 350 outages. A power pole on Reavis Mtn Road caught on fire, causing the largest number of current outages to be in the Nelson area around Pickens Street. Our crews are working to replace this pole and restore power as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your continued patience and support!

10:00 AM - As of 10 this morning we have around 600 members without power.

Thankfully, the storms weakened as they entered Georgia. Although we are grateful that our service territory escaped more serious damage, we are prayerful for those that are faced with a much different outcome.

Thank you for your patience, and a big thank you to our crews, contractors and dispatch team for what you do behind the scenes.

We will continue to work safely until all power is restored.

6:30 AM - Due to last night’s storms we currently have around 1,400 members without power in 66 separate locations. Our crews are working to restore power to these areas. Click here to view our outage map in real time.

As day breaks, please remember if you encounter a downed power line stay back and do not go near it. Do not drive over it, and always assume it is energized. To report a downed power line or power outage please call: 706-253-0359 or 706-276-0359 or 706-864-0359

